Neuradiant 1070 (Loan Unit)

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NEURADIANT 1070 + 4Q Feature

The Neuradiant 1070 with the advanced capability access to the 4 quadrant control settings located in the password-protected "Clinical Settings" section on the device.

Key Features:

  • Neuradiant 1070 Device: Our cutting-edge Neuradiant 1070 is a state-of-the-art device, equipped with advanced technology and built to deliver great results
  • 4 Quadrant Feature: With this unique addition, you can effortlessly create and edit protocols, allowing for customized usage and personalized adjustments.

  • Free 30-Minute consultation on best practice with the device and it's protocols.

Loan Device Terms: Please note that this Neuradiant 1070 + 4 Quadrant Feature is offered as a Loan Device. As such, it is required to be returned to Neuronic after the agreed-upon period of use.

Return Policy: Within the regions of the USA and EU, we provide full assistance in creating Return Labels to streamline the return process. However, for customers located outside these regions, we kindly request the partner to assist with the return or, if desired, purchase the device at an exclusive discounted price.

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